11 Healthy Smoothies For Weight Loss

Common Signs You Are Nutrient Deficient

It is a well-known fact that a healthy diet supplies energy to the body and provides the necessary ingredients for cells to develop. Nutrient deficiencies can have an adverse effect on your day-to-day activities but if you are very watchful enough, you will see some signs that will clearly tell you that you are running low on nutrients. Here are some of them.



Are You Eating Your Way to Health or Into an Early Grave?

Many people are eating their way into an early grave with foods laced with additives, preservatives, chemicals, sweeteners, and fats. Food is both the problem and also the solution. There are 3 key nutrients and vitamins essential to achieving optimal health. Start eating you way to health. The quality of your life depends upon it.

Antioxidant Products

This effectively minimizes rancidity, retards lipid oxidation, without any damage to the sensory or nutritional properties, resulting in maintaining quality and shelf-life of meat products. However, intrinsic factors are available in live muscle to prevent lipid oxidation. These factors are often lost after slaughtering during conversion of muscle to meat, primary/secondary processing, handling, or storage of meat products, necessitating further supplementation with extrinsic antioxidants.

Stories of Hope: Little Sister’s Stem Cells Offer Hope

The medical world is buzzing with success stories of how cord blood stem cells have been used to heal a cluster of ailments, from leukaemia to Type 1 and 2 diabetes and many more. This is has made parents-to be consider cord blood banking when their baby is born.

Banking a Baby’s Cord Blood May Save Their Life – Is It Worth It?

Amidst all the other do’s and don’ts, expecting parents have yet another decision to ponder on! That of cord blood banking. Keeping in mind the innumerable success stories that are circling round the globe, of how sibling’s cord blood stem cell has saved her elder or younger sister’s life to miraculous recovery within the family, cord blood cell banking is akin to opting in for a biological insurance.

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