6 Healthy Pasta Recipes For Weight Loss

Six Ways to Avoid Social Isolation

Unfortunately, a lot of us feel socially isolated. Much of this is due to our technologically-driven time. We prefer to text and connect with people that way instead of face-to-face communication. However, social bonds are crucial to our health and social contact, especially if pleasant, has all kinds of benefits. In this article, I outline six ways to avoid or at least reduce social isolation.


Eight Ways to Put More Movement Into Your Day

Many of us don’t have time for formal exercise. So, how can we get even some exercise every day to reap all the health benefits that we should in order to be happy and healthy. In this article, I will outline ten ways to put more movement into your day. The good news is that you can incorporate these new ways of behaving into your usual routine by simply changing a few things in your day. We all think that exercising has to be hard, and it has to take a lot of effort and preparation for it to be most beneficial to our health. However, this is not the case at all. The most successful form of exercise is easy and practical. But what is more it can fit right into our daily routine without a lot of difficulty. In this article, I outline eight ways to put more movement into your day.

The Benefits in Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Tissue

What many people are not aware of is, what the differences between them are and which one makes a better option for people, who are considering stem cells banking. Stem cells collected from cord tissue is a comparatively new concept, compared to cord blood stem cells.

Energize Your Mind and Body

Energy drain is a common feature in our face paced lives. It can affect us physically in terms of body ache, fatigue, etc. It could also make us feel a lack of motivation to pursue activities that we like. However, the good news is that there are ways to counter low energy levels.

It’s a Wrap – A Mud Wrap

Mud and clay have lots of minerals built right in so it’s no wonder spas are offering mud and clay wraps to their clients. Would you like to be wrapped in mud?

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