6 Healthy Protein Bars For Weight Loss

Treating Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopahy With Umbilical Cord Blood Cells

Stem cell therapies have been applied to treat many serious diseases successfully. One of these diseases is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopahy is mainly caused by oxygen deprivation, which leads to brain damage in children


10 Tips For A Healthy Old Age

Older does not mean you will experience many medical conditions or poor quality of life. But you can enjoy aging if you take steps to maintain health.

Is Physical Education Still Important Today?

In today’s tensed schedule of life people sometimes forget that movements are a part of their lives. They prefer taking cars and metro instead of making an extra walk on the way to the office. There are plenty of items being advertised on TV and the Internet but most from a practical point of view aimed to bring income to the companies.

Looking for the Safest Cookware? Keep These 4 Tips on Your Checklist

On the lookout for the safest cookware? Keep these 4 tips on your checklist. 1. What is your cookware composed of? 2. How safely does it cook your food? 3. Does it lock steam naturally? 4. How was your pot made (the environmental aspect)?

5 Things You Should Definitely Know About Lactose-Free Milk

Milk is the primary source of many nutrients. People who suffer from lactose intolerance cannot consume milk or milk products as they cause many problems, and thus miss the daily nutrient dose. Milk products contain a sugar called lactose which, when consumed by people who suffer from intolerance can cause problems like vomiting, swelling, diarrhoea, etc. To counter this problem, reputed brands have come up with a variant- the lactose-free milk. Lactose-free milk basically helps lactose intolerants to consume the primary source of nutrients. the procedure of preparing this variant is such that it cuts down on the lactose content in milk. thus, if you suffer from lactose intolerance, there is no need to just ditch milk, you can still consume it if you take all the right precautions. So, here are the 5 things which you should know about the lactose-free milk.

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