6 High Protein Meal Prep For Weight Loss

Improving Digestion – Tips, Tricks and Essential Facts

Given the important role played by the digestive system in ensuring proper functioning of the human body, every individual must take an interest towards improving digestion. While a good digestive system has a positive impact on the overall functioning of the body, the reverse is equally true.


Does Your Heart Stop When You Sneeze: What’s the Truth?

Just before sneezing, a lot of people relax slowly. This improves pressure in the chest and briefly inhibits the blood flow to the heart, which can reduce hypertension and boosts the heart rate.

9 Months in, Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury Continues to Improve Paralyzed Patient’s Life

Asterias Biotherapeutics is a biotechnology company, which is dedicated to regenerative medicine. Recently they have launched a new medicine AST-OPC1 that offers embryonic stem cell based treatment for patients with spinal cord injuries. The medicine was under trail for a while and now it has been declared completely safe and highly effective for patients with spinal cord diseases.

Are Poor Quality Surgical Instruments Posing a Threat to Patients?

The quality of surgical instruments and other equipment is yet another factor that is often overlooked but critical to success of the surgery. A surgical instrument must be made to the exact specifications and should undergo a critical examination procedure. are these posing a threat to the patient’s health?

Eating A Low GI Diet for Increased Energy Levels

Are you ready to hear the one lifestyle change I’ve made that has improved my energy levels more than any other? Hold on to your seats: It was switching over to a Low GI Diet.

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