7 Healthy Beef Recipes For Weight Loss

Building a Functional Lung is Now Possible With Bioengineering

End-stage lung diseases are the third leading cause of deaths around the world. It has only one true cure, a lung transplant. This is not always an option for a majority of the patients as it is an expensive procedure with a survival rate of just 10% to 12% after 10 years. Finding a donor’s lung is also very difficult and thus, there is an urgent need for new approaches to saving lives.



An Unexpected Link: Immune Cells Send a Muscle Injury Signal to Activate Stem Cell Regeneration

Immune cells activate cells for muscle regeneration and repair which will aid in treating muscle disorders. Studies indicate that a gene Adamts 1 gets switched on in the satellite cells. This is a secret protein that activates satellite cells in case of muscle injury.

Snake Oil Sellers and Health

This article looks at the plethora of online material selling the benefits of certain superfoods, supplements, diets and exercise programmes. Many of the claims made are unproven and the health and lifestyle gurus try to boost sales by knocking orthodox medicine.

Health and Wellness Tips With A Long Fitness Life

Your health is your wealth. A healthy man is a wealthy man, literally. You may think of a tycoon who owns so much material wealth but their health troubles them. What is the point of all the material wealth if you cannot enjoy it? The money spent on doctors could have been channelled in other better avenues. Similarly, ever thought of how quick an employee gets replaced at work? You probably fell ill or a colleague passed on. The job vacancy goes up no sooner than the bad news leaves your mind.

Argan Oil – The Most Exclusive Natural Oil

The argan tree (logically known as argania spinosa) becomes just in one place on the planet: in the south-west of Morocco. The neighborhood ladies would process around 30 kilos of Argan organic products in right around 14 hours of unadulterated diligent work, just to increase enough Argan parts for 1 liter of its uncommon oil.

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