7 Healthy Low Carb Recipes For Weight Loss

Are You Getting Enough Probiotics?

Probiotics are the “good” or “healthy” bacteria that live in our gut and keep our gastrointestinal tract in optimal health. It’s estimated that this nice mix of microflora growing in our intestines amounts to some 100 trillion bacteria–10 times more than the 10 trillion total cells making up our bodies.



Are Protein Powders Made From Vegetables Recommended?

In my clinical nutrition practice, when a client needs a protein-powder supplement, I generally recommend whey protein isolate powder, even though it’s made from an animal source. I like the fact that whey protein contains all nine amino acids that our bodies must have to produce all the different proteins we need to function. Whey protein is also easily absorbed and used by the body, even after surgery or other stressful events.

8 Painless Ways to Cut Carbs

A list of 8 ways, with brief details, on how to cut carbohydrates out of your diet. Let me break it down so you don’t have to. A quick read for big changes.

How You Can Combine Foods For Optimal Nutrition

Combining foods makes eating more interesting and gives room for creativity. However, there are great nutritional values in combining foods and how they are combined matters a lot. There are some food nutrients that may not be easily absorbed by the body but when you blend them with other foods, they become available to the body with ease. Here are some of these combinations.

How To Increase The Level of Your Endorphins

Endorphins are chemicals that are naturally created by your nervous system in order for you to deal with stress and pain. They are generally referred to as “feel-good” chemicals because they can boost happiness and relieve pains. They are generally created in the hypothalamus as well as pituitary glands and they can also be produced from other parts of the body. Endorphins level in the body varies from one individual to another but if you want to increase your own level, this piece is for you.

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