7 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss

Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn’t Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy

Nutrition is something which is the cry in today’s fast running life of work and personal life. The balance creation is very necessary. Food is the fuel which we feed to our body that works like a fuel for it. The fuel must be apt for the body in order to work efficiently and protect us against diseases. Eating healthy is the need of the hour as the fast food culture is making the people fall prey to a lot of diseases. Also, it does lead to a proper diet. People go for them because they are easily accessible, cheap and they do not want to cook food as they are too tired to do that for themselves. But this is just not done!



Is Life Damaging Your Spine?

Is modern life becoming a pain in the neck? Are you like the millions of people who spend hours on end every day using a Smartphone or another mobile device? If so, you could be at risk of “text neck”, a new age epidemic that could lead to permanent damage.

Surprising Healthier Lifestyle Choices You Can Make

If you’re thinking about making healthier lifestyle choices, it’s could be time to be a case of out with the old and in with the new! So here are some surprisingly easy ways you can improve your well-being and make your habits the healthiest ones ever!

Polyphenols Promote Health – Found in Whole Fruits and Vegetables

Eating polyphenol rich foods every meal and every snack will provide the biggest boost to the body. Supplements with a variety of polyphenols are fine but make sure you get them throughout the day. One dose per day doesn’t help your health enough.

Can Whole Body CryoTherapy Help With Osteoporosis?

The bones in our body are constantly breaking down and building back up again. When they don’t build back up as fast as they break down, we call that osteoporosis and it can be quite debilitating and serious. As we age these issues can become more prevalent, of course genetics are also a factor. Thyroid problems, low calcium and vitamin D also contribute to bone loss, as well as lack of exercise, use of alcohol and smoking. Chronic inflammation can be a big culprit in bone loss as the body reabsorbs existing bone.

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