7 Healthy Vegetables Recipes For Weight Loss

Common Private Cord Blood Banking Myths Debunked

You may have noticed that there is a lot of marketing and promotions done by cord blood banks nowadays. But what is a cord blood bank exactly? Well, it is a medical bank where doctors extract the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from the newborn umbilical cord and can be preserved indefinitely. You can bank the cord blood in a private or a public blood bank and can be used later on to treat diseases and illnesses.



Impact of Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Cardiovascular Research

Despite having therapeutic advances in the medical fields, we continue to receive destructive outcomes for the patients with cardiovascular diseases. Not only have cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction causing congestive heart failure, become a growing concern for every individual, it emerges as one of the sole cause of deaths in Western Countries.

Attractive New Regenerative Medicine Tool Uses Magnets to Shape and Stimulate Stem Cells

How would it have been if we could develop embryoid bodies (EBs) from individual embryonic stem cells (ESCs) using technology? This could give birth to the development of the regenerative medicines and other therapies, which does not require an external supporting matrix as needed by the traditional regenerative technology to create a coordinated assembly.

9 Plus Natural Ways to Prevent the Cold and Flu and Stay Healthy

Learning natural ways to prevent the common cold, flu and staying healthy for you and your family can save you money and keep your own family happy. Having the flu or a cold causes your to miss work and your kids to miss school. Chores don’t get done, everyone is feeling miserable and who has the time to be sick these days. Forget about getting the flu shot with all the controversial toxic ingredients and long-term side effects that have been reported more and more every year. The truth is the flu shot just doesn’t work. Let’s learn to stay healthy with natural and easy methods that we can add to our daily life. We can teach our kids some of these easy to follow steps and make sure they get the proper nutrition. Once one person in the family gets sick it seems to spread through the whole family so let’s stop it before it starts. Let me teach you a some common daily routines and tips to live a healthier life.

Commercializing Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell based therapies have the potential to treat numerous disorders, especially blood and immune related disorders. A wide range of stem cell therapies including allogenic stem cell therapies, autologous therapies, and mesenchymal stem cell therapies has shown a major breakthrough for curing many medical conditions such as sclerosis, spinal cord injury, diabetes and strokes in the clinical trials.

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