Home Workout Challenge to GET 6 PACK ABS (30 Days Results)

Balanced Diet for Women: A Guide to Active, Healthy and Fabulous You!

Everyone needs to be cautious about their health, especially women! In this time when we are battling COVID-19, increasing immunity and adopting healthy eating habits is most important.



The History E-Cigarettes and Vaping

It seems as if ‘vaping’ came out of nowhere. One day it didn’t exist and then a few months later everywhere we went someone was vaping. In reality, electro-mechanical cigarettes are not new. Neither is the concept of using vapor to breathe in smoked herbs, scents, or mild-poisons. In fact, that has been going on for as long as mankind has been keeping a written record, perhaps even longer. There are accounts of such techniques in ancient China, as well as in ancient Egypt. The Romans often smoked in bathhouses, and in India 1,500 years ago, they called smoking sugary tobacco ‘shisha’.

The Health Consequences of Excess Alcohol Consumption

Many known health issues arise from drinking too much. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and a mild-poison to the body. A common health problem associated with excessive or over-drinking is Cirrhosis of the liver. In fact, there has been a 65% increase in Cirrhosis deaths due to alcohol consumption in the U.S. (cite: 1).

The Emerging Medicine in Oncology – DASAKAST 50 (Dasatinib 50 Mg)

Dasatinib can be seen as one of the preferred medicines for the procedural treatment of CML-CP (chronic-phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) in salvage and frontline settings. It has been observed that 50 mg of Dasatinib is more effective and tolerated than 100 mg of the daily dose. This was concluded after studies of various cases and their responses.

Treatment for ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)

Introduction Oncologists suggest different kinds of medicines for patients with cancer. Medicines differ based on the type of cancer the body has. There are different drugs available for treating cancers.

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