THis Is Why Everyone Should Invest in Treating the Water

Water that is clean and suitable for drinking is essential to life. A purification system provides several benefits. It is recommended by the US Center for Disease Control to drink a minimum of 64 oz of H20 daily because of the several benefits to health.



What Are the Dangers Hidden in Contaminated Water?

It is normal for tap and bottled water, among other types of drinking water, to contain some amount of contaminants. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA has set strict standards for around 90 various types of contaminants that can be present in drinking water. This page has a compilation of the most common water pollutants, which have been categorized below to give a more detailed information on some particular contaminants and how they affect your health.

What Are the Most Common Water Pollutants?

Arsenic Arsenic is a heavy metal known to be very toxic. People who drink water that contains arsenic beyond EPA’s standard for many years could go through several serious health issues. These could include problems with the bladder, heart, kidney, liver and lungs.

Water Treatment Explained for Everyone

Different Processes of Water Treatment We need clean, safe water in everyday living. It is very important for the community’s well-being, hygiene and productivity. The process of treating water may slightly be different at various places, depending on the technology of the plant that needs processing.

How Much Water Are You Drinking Every Day?

Some people do not realize the value of water, and how drinking it can have a huge effect on their overall health. Even if it is crucial to drink lots of water, many of these individuals may not be drinking the right amount of water every day. According to the Institute of Medicine, men are advised to consume 3 liters of water a day, while women are supposed to consume 2.

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