Are You at Risk for Peripheral Neuropathy?

Those at highest risk for peripheral neuropathy are those over 40 who are diabetic or pre-diabetic and have poorly controlled blood sugar levels. If you smoke or over indulge in alcohol, have an autoimmune disease, undergo chemotherapy, have liver or kidney disease, vitamin deficiencies or mechanical nerve damage (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) you can be at risk.



Mango Peeling: A Food To Prevent Bad Cholesterol

This is to show you that mango peelings aren’t a garbage. It helps to fight bad cholesterol and prevents heart diseases!

9 Effective Heat Stroke Prevention Tips

Heat stroke is much more serious than heat exhaustion as it can cost you your life. People with heat stroke may suffer from fever, seizures, or may also go into a coma. However, heat stroke is predictable and preventable.

The 7 Steps of Bone Marrow Transplantation

This article is going to give you a brief knowledge about Bone Marrow and their types. It will also tell you about the 7 steps of bone marrow transplantation.

Relation Between Diabetes and Heart Disease

This article briefly explains how diabetes and heart disease are related together. And the necessary steps that should be taken to control diabetes and also have a healthy heart.

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